
Friday, January 14, 2005

Lifeline Medical Alarm Users Reported Ten Times Less Likely to Live in Long-Term Care Facility

Senior citizens experience greater sense of confidence and peace of mind, enabling independent living with Lifeline Personal Medical Alarm

(PRWEB) December 24, 2004 -- Lifeline Systems, the company that first invented the personal medical alarm 30 years ago, and which today helps over 400,000 senior citizens or disabled people to age with dignity and enable independent living in their own homes today announced that a study funded by the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare found that subscribing to the Lifeline personal medical alarm system reduced seniors’ fear of being incapacitated and unable to get help in the event of a fall or other situation. In addition, this greater sense of confidence and peace of mind also encouraged family and caregivers to support the senior’s wishes to continue to independent living at home. The report concludes that as a result, Lifeline subscribers are 10 times less likely to be institutionalized in a long-term care facility.

Two additional reports (Koch, 1984; Dibner, 1992) also determined that Lifeline subscribers had a 26% decrease in hospital admissions and a 23% decrease in length of stay. It is believed that early intervention and the heightened feelings of security reported by patients and caregivers were significant factors in reduced hospital usage.

"It's my clinical impression that when individuals at risk are given Lifeline Medical Alarms, their mobility actually seems to improve”, says Dr. Rein Tideiksaar, PhD, ElderCare Senior Vice President for Program Development, Fall Prevention and Injury Reduction Systems. “If they feel better about themselves within their homes, if they're walking around more, if they're increasing lower extremity strength — that should increase mobility and decrease fall risk."

Lifeline is proud to be the preferred provider of personal response services to members of the Visiting Nurse Associations of America, and to thousands of leading hospitals across the country. In addition, the Lifeline Medical Alarm service is also available through select chapters of the American Red Cross.

The service costs little more than a dollar a day, there are no hidden costs, no long-term contracts, and subscribers may discontinue the service at any time.

For more information on Lifeline Medical Alarms, visit